James Corrado - Beacon, NY 250 rosaries to Papua, New Guinea.
Amaya Stifano - Medley, Miami, FL 250 rosaries to Venezulea.
Sr. Mary Pauline Tamakloe OSP - Our Lady of Mt. Providence Convent, Baltimore, MD 250 rosaries to Ghana, Africa.
Dcn Craig Lashford - 60 rosaries FCI Mens Prison.
Ulysses Martinez novena - 50 rosaries.
Rosary baskets at church entrance - 25 rosaries.
The rosary makers have made and distributed ove 37,988 rosaries since April 2003! Thank you to all our benefactors, distributors, rosary makers and all who pray and promote the Holy Rosary!
Expenses for 2020 were $2,368.48. Donations can be made to, and are greatfully accepted, by Kathy George, 903-832-2535, or the church office.