With Mass kit and vestments packed in his saddlebags, Father Theodore Buffard in early 1870 traveled by horseback from Galveston to Northeast Texas to bring together its scattered Catholics.
A French missionary priest, Fr. Buffard celebrated Texarkana’s First Mass in a small building located on the site now occupied by the old McCartney Hotel. Other services, including weddings, baptisms and funerals, were held in private homes.
Thus, was Sacred Heart Catholic Church established as a parish in the Diocese of Galveston, then the See City of Texas. The Diocese appointed Fr. Alexis Borlin as its first pastor. Fr. Borlin served in that capacity until Fr. Buffard replaced him in 1871.
The first church building was erected at Third and Spruce Streets, and the first Mass there was celebrated at midnight, December 24, 1874. An elementary and high school were built in later years and remained an integral part of the community for many years. According to Texarkana, Texas history, the Church was the first brick building in the city and the school was the first organized school in the city. A plot of ground at 14th Street and Texas Boulevard was donated to the Church and designated as Sacred Heart Cemetery. In subsequent years, acreage on Elizabeth Street was donated to the Parish and Holy Cross Cemetery was established. The Church also acquired additional land at this site.
Following a fire in July 1957, which heavily damaged the original Church, a new church building was constructed along with a rectory and later a parish center. The cornerstone from the original church building was placed just inside the doors to the parish center where it remains today. The first Mass in the new church was celebrated at midnight on December 24, 1961. Formal dedication ceremonies were held June 17, 1962.
Sacred Heart was later placed in the Diocese of Dallas, and later became part of a newly created Diocese. Charles E. Herzig, D.D. was the first Bishop of The Diocese of Tyler and served from 1986 to 1991. Bishop Edmond Carmody served from 1992 to 2000; Bishop Alvaro Corrada del Rio, S.J., from 2000 to 2011 and our current Bishop Joseph E. Strickland from 2012 to present.
Our present Church was renovated and consecrated again in 2011. The bell that fell in the fire in the original building was restored as part of the church renovation and sits on the west side of the Church.